Wth. This weres impossible to find! Hardly any documentation about sending a simple HTML email with the Groupwise API. This is the ugly solution I happend upon when looking for a solution to a different problem.. (Assuming you've figured out the basics of just sending an email)
Create a file named "Text.htm" filled with the html message you want to send. Attach it to the email. Send it. As long as you dont set BodyText.RTF / BodyText.PlainText, the email will show the HTML by default when opened in groupwise.
My problem was solved with this, although it only works for groupwise clients. (All i needed) If you want to send HTML email outside of groupwise, I can only point you in the direction you need as I havent figured out myself. You would need another attachment named "Mime.822" which would be your header information for the email.
Note: Be mindful of the case in the file names.